Sojourner Tours

SELF-LOVE FOR WOMEN Transformative French lifestyle trips for women which restore the joy of living through the Slow Movement philosophy while supporting local communities.


Dates arranged on demand

Groups are limited to eight guests so you can visit authentic places, stay in charming boutique hotels and eat in the real restaurants where locals dine.

Special offers


We really enjoy working with groups who have a shared interest or common bond. If you are thinking about organizing a group sojourn, we'll be happy to support you. We have two types of Sojourn Ambassador programs:

1) COMPLIMENTARY SOJOURNS & MORE for Cohort Leaders: Anyone who would like to put together a group of travelers for one of our sojourns, either as a relaxing getaway, an educational excursion, a camaraderie-building event, or anything else can enjoy a complementary sojourn when bringing together a group of 7 people, and can also get a flight stipend when leading a group totaling 14 guests. Contact us for more details.

  • Creating Interest - To make it easier for you to tell people about the trip, we will provide you with brochures describing your sojourn.
  • Information Session- As a group leader or someone interested in becoming a leader, you are cordially invited to our annual information, question and answer session in Austin, Texas. Contact us for the current year's schedule.
  • Planning Calendar -Learn from the experience of past ambassadors including tips on what to do when and ideas for recruiting participants.
  • Customization of Sojourns -Large groups of 12-14 people can request to have a sojourn customized to their needs. Examples included: sojourns conducted in French for language students seeking a linguistic immersion; time allotted for writers' workshops or plein air painting for instructors; etc.

Other benefits of group travel: Sojourner Tours does not arrange travel to or from the sojourn base, but as a leader you can arrange a group flight. Most airlines offer discounts to groups of over 10 people flying together. Groups can also purchase train tickets far enough in advance to benefit from discounts that can be as large as 50% directly through the French Train system: SNCF.

2) GROUP DISCOUNTS for Family & Friends Excursions: When organizing a trip for family or friends, the members of your group can share a discount among all the members with a double discount for the individual who does the work of coordinating the group.


Book two consecutive sojourns back-to-back and save $300 off each tour (a total of $600 in savings) per person. Combine this offer with the "Early Bird Special" for added savings.

All sojourns end on Saturday mornings and start Sunday evening so it is possible to combine sojourns in different parts of France as long as they are already scheduled one after another on the Sojourner Tours Calendar.